Note: I do not maintain this list here anymore, so the below list is only for archival purposes. For my full and current publication list, please go to:

My Google Scholar profile

Birmingham research profile

ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8524-5282

Program committees/chair

General chair of CARDIS 2022, PC member of: ACM CCS 2022-2023, TCHES 2021-2022, CHES 2017, DATE 2015-2018 and 2024, Crypto 2023, ASHES 2019-2023, IndoCrypt 2022, CARDIS 2013-2014, 2021, 2023, escar USA 2017-2023, FDTC 2013-2023, CYSARM 2019-2021, Kangacrypt 2018, RFIDSec 2016

Publications, projects and talks until 2020 (for archive purposes)

Dowload complete Bibtex file

  1. K. Murdock, D. Oswald, F. D. Garcia, J. V. Bulck, D. Gruss & F. Piessens, "Plundervolt: Software-based Fault Injection Attacks against Intel SGX", Proceedings of the 41st IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P'20), 2020 [Link]
  2. Q. Temeiza & D. Oswald, "Breaking Bootloaders on the Cheap", Presentation at Blackhat Europe, 2019 [Link]
  3. J. Van Bulck, D. Oswald, E. Marin, A. Aldoseri, F. D. Garcia & F. Piessens, "A Tale of Two Worlds: Assessing the Vulnerability of Enclave Shielding Runtimes", Proceedings of the 2019 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security - ACM CCS '19, 1741-1758, 2019 [Link]
  4. S. Vasile, D. Oswald & T. Chothia, "Breaking All the Things - A Systematic Survey of Firmware Extraction Techniques for IoT Devices", Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications - CARDIS'18, 171-185, 2019 [Link]
  5. C. Hicks, F. D. Garcia & D. Oswald, "Dismantling the AUT64 Automotive Cipher", IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems --- TCHES '18, 46-69, 2018 [Link]
  6. L. Reverberi & D. Oswald, "Breaking (and Fixing) a Widely Used Continuous Glucose Monitoring System", 11th USENIX Workshop on Offensive Technologies (WOOT 17), 2017, USENIX Association [Link]
  7. D. Cox & D. Oswald, "uProxy: A Hardware Relay for Anonymous and Secure Internet Access", RFIDSec '16, 175-187, 2017, Springer [Link]
  8. M. Dürmuth, D. Oswald & N. Pastewka, "Side-Channel Attacks on Fingerprint Matching Algorithms", Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Trustworthy Embedded Devices, 3-13, 2016, ACM [Link]
  9. F. D. Garcia, D. Oswald, T. Kasper & P. Pavlidès, "Lock It and Still Lose It - On the (In)Security of Automotive Remote Keyless Entry Systems", 25th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 16), 2016, USENIX Association [Link]
  10. E. Nascimento, L. Chmielewski, D. Oswald & P. Schwabe, "Attacking embedded ECC implementations through cmov side channels", Selected Areas in Cryptography -- SAC'16, 2016 [Link]
  11. D. Oswald, "Wireless Attacks on Automotive Remote Keyless Entry Systems", Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Trustworthy Embedded Devices, 43-44, 2016, ACM [Link]
  12. D. Oswald, "Side-Channel Attacks on SHA-1-based Product Authentication ICs", Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications -- CARDIS'15, 2015 [Link] [Slides]
  13. D. Strobel, F. Bache, D. Oswald, F. Schellenberg & C. Paar, "SCANDALee: A Side-ChANnel-based DisAssembLer using Local Electromagnetic Emanations", Design, Automation and Test in Europe -- DATE'15, 2015 [Link]
  14. Github, "ChameleonMini on Github", Website, 2014 [Link]
  15. T. Kasper, D. Oswald & C. Paar, "Sweet Dreams and Nightmares: Security in the Internet of Things", Information Security Theory and Practice. Securing the Internet of Things, Vol. 8501, 1-9, 2014, Springer [Link]
  16. D. Oswald, "ID and IP Theft with Side-Channel Attacks", Presentation at PHDays, 2014 [Link]
  17. T. Schneider, I. von Maurich, T. Güneysu & D. Oswald, "Cryptographic Algorithms on the GA144 Asynchronous Multi-Core Processor", Journal of Signal Processing Systems, 1-17, 2014, Springer [Link]
  18. D. Strobel, D. Oswald, B. Richter, F. Schellenberg & C. Paar, "Microcontrollers as (In)Security Devices for Pervasive Computing Applications", Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 102, 1157-1173, 2014 [Link]
  19. P. Swierczynski, A. Moradi, D. Oswald & C. Paar, "Physical Security Evaluation of the Bitstream Encryption Mechanism of Altera Stratix II and Stratix III FPGAs", ACM Trans. Reconfigurable Technol. Syst., Vol. 7, 34:1-34:23, 2014, ACM [Link]
  20. T. Kasper, A. Kühn, D. Oswald, C. Zenger & C. Paar, "Rights Management with NFC Smartphones and Electronic ID Cards: A Proof of Concept for Modern Car Sharing", Workshop on RFID Security -- RFIDSec'13, 2013, Springer [Link]
  21. A. Moradi, D. Oswald, C. Paar & P. Swierczynski, "Side-channel attacks on the bitstream encryption mechanism of Altera Stratix II: facilitating black-box analysis using software reverse-engineering", Proceedings of the ACM/SIGDA international symposium on Field programmable gate arrays -- FPGA'13, 91-100, 2013, ACM [Link]
  22. D. Oswald, D. Strobel, F. Schellenberg, T. Kasper & C. Paar, "When Reverse-Engineering Meets Side-Channel Analysis -- Digital Lockpicking in Practice", Selected Areas in Cryptography -- SAC'13, 2013, Springer [Link]
  23. D. Oswald, B. Richter & C. Paar, "Side-Channel Attacks on the Yubikey 2 One-Time Password Generator", 16th International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses -- RAID'13, Vol. 8145, 202-222, 2013, Springer [Link]
  24. D. Oswald, "Extracting keys from FPGAs, OTP Tokens and Door Locks", Presentation at 30C3, 2013 [Link]
  25. Sourceforge, "GIAnT (Generic Implementation ANalysis Toolkit)", Website, 2013 [Link]
  26. D. Oswald, "Implementation Attacks: From Theory to Practice", 2013 [Link]
  27. Sourceforge, "reader14443: Customized RFID Reader for Contactless Smartcards", Website, 2013 [Link]
  28. D. Strobel, B. Driessen, T. Kasper, G. Leander, D. Oswald, F. Schellenberg & C. Paar, "Fuming Acid and Cryptanalysis: Handy Tools for Overcoming a Digital Locking and Access Control System", Advances in Cryptology -- CRYPTO'13, Vol. 8042, 147-164, 2013, Springer [Link]
  29. T. Kasper, D. Oswald & C. Paar, "Side-Channel Analysis of Cryptographic RFIDs with Analog Demodulation", 7th International Workshop on RFID Security and Privacy -- RFIDSec'11, Vol. 7055, 61-77, 2012, Springer [Link]
  30. D. Oswald & C. Paar, "Improving Side-Channel Analysis with Optimal Linear Transforms", Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications -- CARDIS'12, Vol. 7771, 219-233, 2012, Springer [Link]
  31. D. Oswald, "Practical Side-Channel Attacks against Contactless Smart Cards", Presentation at ISCTURKEY'12, 2012
  32. D. Oswald, "Pushing the Limits: Side-Channel Attacks on Mifare DESFire MF3ICD40 for 300 USD", Presentation at the ACM S3 Workshop 2012, 2012
  33. T. Kasper, D. Oswald & C. Paar, "Security of Wireless Embedded Devices in the Real World", Information Security Solutions (ISSE) 2011 -- Securing Electronic Business Processes, 174-189, 2011, Vieweg+Teubner [Link]
  34. T. Kasper, D. Oswald & C. Paar, "Wireless security threats: Eavesdropping and detecting of active RFIDs and remote controls in the wild", 19th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks -- SoftCOM'11, 1-6, 2011 [Link]
  35. T. Kasper, I. von Maurich, D. Oswald & C. Paar, "Chameleon: A Versatile Emulator for Contactless Smartcards", Information Security and Cryptology -- ICISC'10, Vol. 6829, 189-206, 2011, Springer [Link]
  36. D. Oswald & C. Paar, "Breaking Mifare DESFire MF3ICD40: Power Analysis and Templates in the Real World --- Extended Version", available online, 2011 [Link]
  37. D. Oswald & C. Paar, "Breaking Mifare DESFire MF3ICD40: Power Analysis and Templates in the Real World", Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems -- CHES'11, Vol. 6917, 207-222, 2011, Springer [Link]
  38. T. Kasper, D. Oswald & C. Paar, "A Versatile Framework for Implementation Attacks on Cryptographic RFIDs and Embedded Devices", Transactions on Computational Science X, Transactions on Computational Science X, Vol. 6340, 100-130, 2010, Springer [Link]
  39. J.-M. Schmidt, M. Tunstall, R. M. Avanzi, I. Kizhvatov, T. Kasper & D. Oswald, "Combined Implementation Attack Resistant Exponentiation", LATINCRYPT'10, Vol. 6212, 305-322, 2010, Springer [Link]
  40. T. Kasper, D. Oswald & C. Paar, "EM Side--Channel Attacks on Commercial Contactless Smartcards Using Low-Cost Equipment", 10th International Workshop on Information Security Applications -- WISA'09, 79-93, 2009, Springer [Link]
  41. D. Oswald, "Development of an Integrated Environment for Side Channel Analysis and Fault Injection", 2009 [Link]